Correspondence regarding Lot 311, Waioeka, 1980-81
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
  History of Ngati Ira (Pre 1890)
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
  The History of Waioeka Gorge, undated
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
  History of Waioeka School, circa 1934
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
  How and Why Ngati Ira Lost Their Land
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
  Letter from M.E. Delamere to Ministry of Works, Sept 1980
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
  Letter from Opotiki County Council to M.E. Delamare, July 1981
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
  Names of Areas & Sites
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
  Petitions to Court, 7 Aug 1883
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
  Waioeka - Noho Marae
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
  Whakapapa (Muriwai-Tamatea-Matangi)
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust
Source Location(s): Research & Archives Trust