Auckland Crown Book (Mokomoko Case) pp.138-142
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  Derby Whakatohea Lands outside confiscation zone
Source Location(s): Research and Archives Trust
  Descendants of Mokomoko Recieve Pardon From Government, 2011
  Exerpts from the letters of C.S.Volkner 1864
Hapū or Iwi: Whakatohea
Source Location(s): Research and Archives Trust
  Final Reading in Parliament of Mokomoko Bill, 11 Dec 2013
Source Location(s): Radio New Zealand
  Historian Peter Wells interviewed about Kereopa Te Rau, 2011
  The Making of the Stolen Lands Documentary, 2023
Source Location(s): Radio New Zealand
  Mokomoko Receives "Proper" Apology, 28 Sept 2011
Source Location(s): Radio New Zealand
  Stolen Lands Documentary, Episode 1, April 2023
Hapū or Iwi: Whakatohea
  Stolen Lands Documentary, Episode 2, April 2023
Hapū or Iwi: Whakatohea
  Stolen Lands Documentary, Episode 3, April 2023
Hapū or Iwi: Whakatohea
Source Location(s): Radio New Zealand
  Stolen Lands Documentary, Episode 4, April 2023
Hapū or Iwi: Whakatohea
Source Location(s): Radio New Zealand
  Stolen Lands Documentary, Episode 5, April 2023
Hapū or Iwi: Whakatohea
Source Location(s): Radio New Zealand
  Whakatohea confiscations