Application to Succeed Jack Petley, Oamaru 2B5 Block, 1943

Title Application to Succeed Jack Petley, Oamaru 2B5 Block, 1943
Description Application to Succeed Jack Petley, Oamaru 2B5 Block, 1943. Signed by C.V. Fordham, Native land Court. Court notes states that Jack Petley is a part-Successor to Mere Patera. Also contaions a handwritten note of Successors to Jack Petley, Charles Petley, , Gladwin Petley, Douglas Petley, Ross Petley, Raymond Petley, Rex Petley, Ronald Petley, John Petley, Richard Petley, Jessie Petley, Gladys Petley, Eileen Petley, Myrna Petley, & Ella Petley. Handwritten
Reference ID MLC-1040-24

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