Application to Appoint Trustee for Pare Ngaope Pukepuke, Henare Pukepuke & Rahiri Pukepuke, Oamaru No 2B2 Block, 1924

Title Application to Appoint Trustee for Pare Ngaope Pukepuke, Henare Pukepuke & Rahiri Pukepuke, Oamaru No 2B2 Block, 1924
Description Application to Appoint Trustee for Pare Ngaope Pukepuke (minor), Henare Pukepuke (minor) & Rahiri Pukepuke (minor) as their Trustee (Rewiri Ahitapu) has died, Oamaru No 2B2 Block, 1924. Applicant's name illegible. Handwritten
Reference ID MLC-1025-24

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