Memo listing relatives of Rawiria Ngawaka & Note from A.H. Te Mete, 3 Nov 1920

Title Memo listing relatives of Rawiria Ngawaka & Note from A.H. Te Mete, 3 Nov 1920
Description Memo listing relatives of Rawiria Ngawaka (including Mini Tamaipaoa, Mere Hira, Tuhakia Te Roihi, Raiha Ninia, Naere Hikora & Maki McGregor) & Note from A.H. Te Mete, Native Agent saying Rawinia Ngamaka had brothers & sisters and that he is representing the Te Ahitapu whanu (Rewiri Ahitapu, brother of Rawiri Ngamaka), 3 Nov 1920
Reference ID MLC-1022-24

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