Application to Succeed Paora Te Pakihi, Lot 337A, Waioeka, 1954

Title Application to Succeed Paora Te Pakihi, Lot 337A, Waioeka, 1954
Description Application to Succeed Paora Te Pakihi, Lot 337A, Waioeka, 1954. Applicant's name: Kirihaehae Hoone. Includes handwritten document showing geneology. Names include: Hira Te Popo, Paora Te Pakihi, Merehira Te Popo, Remana Hoone, Hira Te Popo Hoone II, Kirihaehae Hoone, Ati Wi Rakuraku & Teri Hira Te Popo. A little difficult to decipher, so names may not be spelled correctly
Reference ID MLC-0765-24

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