Court Correspondence File 1A Waiotahe
  Arranging Survey of Block 19A2B, 1968
  Change of Ownership to Block 393F
  Court Registrar requests conveyance duty 1965
  Court requests conveyance duty 1965
  Derivation of Erana Te Ani's interest in Lot 332, 1965
  Disagreement with Boris Black 1965
  Gazette Notice Reservation of Lot 388, 1964
  Hokianga Island ownership July 1965
  Hori Wenerei Taupo 1964
  Leslie Hall land interests
  Letter from K. Brown 1965
  Letter to Katerina Maxwell Lot 391
  Lots 19D, 19F1 and 19F2
  Lots 303 and 347 1963
  Lot 19A1 Agreement to Lease 1963
  Lot 19D Request for Partition Order
  Lot 125 Issue of Certificate of Title
  Lot 190
  Lot 276 re Apanui whanau succession
  Lot 277
  Lot 293
  Lot 303 Correspondence Nov 1967
  Lot 303 Information
  Lot 303 Thomas Tuki
  Lot 336 Identity of Mamae Apaapa confirmed
  Lot 336 Survey No 1 and No 2 1963
  Lot 339
  Lot 339 Succession
  Lot 388
  Lot 393B2A
  Lot 393F2B vested to Boris Black 1966
  Lot 441
  ODC Council request for list of owners, Hokianga Island
  Ohiwa Wharf Road Legalisation 1964
  Purchase of uneconomic interests in Lot 393B2B
  Query ownership of Waiotahe Lot 19A1
  Query to proceed with Survey on Blocks 19F 1 & 2, 19D & 19A 2B
  Registration of Partitions 1967
  Request for Registration 1968
  Request to Purchase Lots 1966
  Sale of Lot 303 query
  Succession claim lodged over Lot 276, Oct 1964
  Tahora Block 2A3B2B and other blocks 1967
  Transfer of interests in Lot 191G
  Vesting Order, Lot 276, 1966
  Waiotahe Lots 19D, 19Ff1 and 19F2 Disagreement over spelling
  Waiotahe Lot 336 1964
  Waiotahe Marae Application for reservation, 1964
  Waiotahe Mortgage Registration for Lot 19A 2B