Plan of the Confiscated Blocks in the Bay of Plenty District - Counties of Rotorua and Opotiki - Waikato Lands Office, March 1871 - Scale: One inch to one mile

Title Plan of the Confiscated Blocks in the Bay of Plenty District - Counties of Rotorua and Opotiki - Waikato Lands Office, March 1871 - Scale: One inch to one mile
Description Plan of the Confiscated Blocks in the Bay of Plenty District - Counties of Rotorua and Opotiki - Waikato Lands Office, March 1871 - Scale: One inch to one mile
Hapū or Iwi Whakatohea
Source Location Archives New Zealand: Archives Auckland: AAFV 997A74: R22822563
Reference ID MAP-0007-22

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