Sketch map of part of Bay of Plenty and Taupo District - Derived from trig data, place names, tracks, bush line [Rotorua to Bay of Plenty] - scale 4 miles:1 inch - Lithograph, T. Heale

Title Sketch map of part of Bay of Plenty and Taupo District - Derived from trig data, place names, tracks, bush line [Rotorua to Bay of Plenty] - scale 4 miles:1 inch - Lithograph, T. Heale
Description Sketch map of part of Bay of Plenty and Taupo District - Derived from trig data, place names, tracks, bush line [Rotorua to Bay of Plenty] - scale 4 miles:1 inch - Lithograph, T. Heale
Hapū or Iwi Whakatohea
Source Location Archives New Zealand: Archives Auckland: AAFV 997 A7a: R22822495
Reference ID MAP-0006-22

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