Archives New Zealand
  Auckland Crown Book (Mokomoko Case) pp.138-142
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  Box File 36 - Royal Commission on the Maori Courts - Submission 63
Hapū or Iwi: Whakatohea
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  JH Campbell, Waiapu - 11 March 1870
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  Land Development Scheme
Hapū or Iwi: Whakatohea
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  Letter from Major Kemp, 30 March 1870
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  Letter from Major Stapp, Oct 1865
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  Letter from Mere Hira Te Popo, 30 Sept 1895
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  Letter from Te Awanui Aporotanga to Premier Seddon, 1899
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  Letter from Topia Turoa, April 1870
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  Mana Enterprises, Whakatohea Maori Trust Board
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  Movements of Te Kooti, 4 - 7 Nov 1870
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  Surveyor's field book
Hapū or Iwi: Muriwai
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand
  War Memorial Approval, 1946
Source Location(s): Archives New Zealand